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A shot of Jägermeister being dropped into Red Bull, creating a Jägerbomb.
Type: Mixed drink
Standard drinkware: A pub glass and a shot glass.

The Jägerbomb (sometimes Jagbomb) is a cocktail that is mixed by dropping a shot of Jägermeister into a glass of Red Bull.[1] It is called a "Jäger-Bull" in some English bars.

In German-speaking countries it is sometimes called a "Turbojäger"[2] or a "Flying Hirsch,"[3] where "Hirsch" means "stag" in German (inspired by the Jägermeister logo) and "Flying" is derived from the Red Bull slogan "Red Bull gives you wings."

In Mexico it is called a "Perla Negra" (Black Pearl) due to its color when mixed. It's usually mixed with Boost energy drink instead of Red Bull.

The term "bomb shots" refers to cocktails that are made by dropping a shot of liquor into another drink (e.g., the Car Bomb).



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[edit] Commercial preparation

The preparation of multiple Jägerbombs (a Jäger-train).

A Jäger-train with fifty bombs.

A Jägerbomb is usually sold with a can of Red Bull (250mL) or half-can of Red Bull (125mL) poured into a glass, separately accompanied by the shot of Jägermeister. The shot of Jägermeister may then be dropped into the glass at the drinker's discretion. In some cases, to curb the consumption of red bull, many drinkers now pour equal parts Jägermeister and Red bull into an oversized shot glass.[4]

Where multiple Jägerbombs have been ordered, it is common to serve them in such a fashion whereby glasses of Red Bull are lined up with an empty glass at one end. The shots of Jägermeister are then balanced on the lips of the glasses, and then starting from the empty-glass end, the shots are consecutively knocked into the glasses. This may be done one-by-one, or, should the bartender have positioned the shot glasses close enough together, the first shot glass to be knocked may knock the subsequent shot glass in as it falls, which in turn knocks the third and so on to create a domino effect.[5] This type of practice is common in the preparation of many cocktails where some degree of theatre is used to create a spectacle.

The current world record for a Jägerbomb "train" is 672 set on June 22nd, 2008 at Vegalou Ultra Bar in Omaha, NE. USA. [6]

[edit] Effects on the consumer

The effects of Jägerbombs are held to be different from that of other alcoholic beverages. The reason is attributed to the counter-balancing effect of the caffeine, (or taurine, guarana) of the energy drink with the depressant effect that alcohol has on the body's central nervous system. Entering a state of intoxication where a Jägerbomb or Jägerbombs have been consumed, the immediate effects of intoxication (specifically; drowsiness and lethargy) are to some extent hidden, and people often claim to act more recklessly than they would otherwise and can drink for longer periods. [7] A Brazilian study conducted in early 2006 found that combining energy drinks and alcohol "appears to show us that the use of energy drinks might predispose people to abuse alcohol when its depressant effects – or at least the perception of such effects – are masked by them" [8] Professor Roseli Boergnen de Lacerda, conducting the study, also warned of spin-off effects, such as the "risk of car accidents because [those who consume energy drinks with alcohol] felt less intoxicated than they were". [9]

Of further concern is the effect the depressant-stimulant combination has on the heart. Alcohol alone, if abused, has been seen to reduce brain activity, impair cardiac function, and can lead to a heart attack.[10] In combination with an energy drink, effects on the consumer may include cardiovascular risks, shortness of breath, and a rapid heartbeat. The body's defences are weakened by the dehydration caused by the alcohol and caffeine, both of which are diuretics.[10]

[edit] Variations

The popularity of the Jägerbomb has spawned many variations. Inconsistent with most cocktails, making a Jägerbomb using a brand of energy drink other than Red Bull results in what is considered a variation of a Jägerbomb, but not a Jägerbomb by its own merit.

[edit] Controversy

The Jägerbomb's popularity in Australia has caused scrutiny. Manly and Newcastle have banned Jägerbombs from being sold in nightclubs and pubs on the basis that they encourage binge drinking and irresponsible behaviour in youth.[11] During the Schoolies Week period on the Victorian Surf Coast, Jägerbombs were banned in many pubs due to similar reasons as above. The sale of Red Bull was also limited to 4 per person each day to help curb the consumption of Jägerbombs[citation needed].

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Jägerbomb recipé"; http://www.drinknation.com; Retrieved 07 December 2008 [1]

  2. ^ Turbojäger Retrieved 16 August 2008.

  3. ^ Flying Hirsch, Cocktails of the world Retrived 16 August 2008.

  4. ^ Memorandum 200801044L; Texas State Comptroller of Public Accounts STAR system; http://aixtcp.cpa.state.tx.us/opendocs; retrieved 16 August 2008 [2]

  5. ^ Jager Bomb Dominoes; www.masterbartending.com; retrieved 16 August 2008 [3]

  6. ^ http://www.vegalou.com

  7. ^ "Caffeine"; Nutrition, U. Mass. Dining Services; Retrieved June 24 2007 [4]

  8. ^ "Combining Alcohol And Popular Energy Drink Reduces The 'Perception' Of Impairment"; ScienceDaily; Retrieved August 13 2008 [5]

  9. ^ H. Barrell; "Energy drinks and alcohol don't mix"; NEOVOX Australia; retrieved August 13 2008 [6]

  10. ^ a b Kami York-Feirn; "Jager Bombs stir explosive consequences"; The Daily Cardinal; August 17, 2008 [7]

  11. ^ C. Masters, J. Vallejo; "Readers Battle over Pub Bid to Ban Jager Bombs"; The Daily Telegraph; published by News Ltd.; first printed August 7th 2007 [8]

덧글 ()

연번 제목 작성자 작성일 조회 파일
4 현재 보고 있는 게시글Jagerbomb=스테미너폭탄주 (0) 박종복 2008/12/27 386  
3 Red Bull+Vodka= '6번 할 수 있다'신화창조!!!!! (0) 박종복 2008/12/27 325  
2    답변글[RE]Re..내수야 건강하냐! (0) 박종복 2001/04/13 657  
1    답변글[RE]Re..축하합니다 (0) 박종복 2001/04/14 542  

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